Hillbilly to Hard Rock Music Group
Venue: St James Church, 116 High St, Masterton 5810 When: 3rd Saturday Time: 1:30 pm Contact: Paddy Greeks Ph: 06 377 4015 M: 027 440 6056 Peter Jackson M: 022 529 6600 Email: 

Hutt Valley Country Music Club Inc
Venue: Petone Workingmen's Club, 47 Udy St, Petone 5046 When: 2nd & 4th Tuesday Time: 7:00 pm Contact: President - Aaron Janes Ph: 04 586 5548 M: 027 267 8417 Tom Holden Ph: 04 589 6686 M: 027 589 6686 Email: President - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Post: C/- The Secretary, PO Box 38460, Petone

Kapi Mana Country Music Assn Inc
Venue: Porirua Club, Lodge Place, Porirua 5022 When: 3rd Saturday Time: 7:00 pm Contact: President - Roy Woolliams Ph: 04 564 5020 M: 027 281 2532 Secretary - Gaye Quirke M: 027 242 3288 Email: President - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Post: C/- Peter Trevors, 168 Flighty's Rd, Pauatahanui, Porirua 

Kilbirnie Country Music Club
Venue: Kilbirnie Community Centre, 56-58 Bay Rd, Kilbirnie 6022 When: 1st Sunday (Mar-Dec) Time: 2:00 pm Contact: Convenor - Pete Rochford Ph: 04 934 8841 M: 022 567 1826 Email: Post: C/- 26 Highbury Crescent, Highbury, Wellington 6012

North City Country Music Club
Venue: Porirua Club, Lodge Place, Porirua 5022 When: 3rd Sunday (Feb - Dec) Time: 1.00 Contact: Dave Humphries President - Robert Antonio M: 027 459 3569 Email: Club - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Post: PO Box 50451, Porirua, Wellington 5240

Paraparaumu Country Music Club
Venue: Waikanae Chartered Club, 8 Elizabeth St, Waikane 5036 When: 2nd & 4th Sunday Time: 1:00 pm Contact: President - Allan Dry Ph: 04 905 9325 M: 027 657 0152 Secretary - Dave Chapman Ph: 04 938 2543 M: 021 175 0810 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Post: PO Box 547, Paraparaumu

Upper Hutt Country Music Club Inc
Venue: Masonic Lodge, 29 Islington Street, Trentham 5018 When: Sunday Fortnightly Time: 6:30 pm Contact: President - Yvonne Tebbutt Ph: 04 528 2793 M: 027 278 5910 Secretary - Christine Work Ph: 04 971 3035 Email: President - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Secretary - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Post: PO Box 40-868, Upper Hutt 5140
Wairarapa Country Music Club
Venue: Senior Citizens Hall, 8 Cole St, Masterton 5810 When: Last Sunday Time 1:00 pm Contact: President - Gary Coley Ph: 06 378 9661 M: 027 566 8614 Secretary - Pam Hill M: 027 370 5012 Email: 
Wellington Country & Western Club
Venue: Avalon Pavilion, 61 Taita Drive, Lower Hutt 5011 When: Sunday, Fortnightly Time: 7:00 pm Contact: President - Paul Sinclair Ph: 04 971 5678 Secretary - Dave Wellington M: 027 485 7070 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Post: C/- 22 Waddington Drive, Lower Hutt 5011 Oct 2023